Cyber Security & Technology to help you stay safe online

Who should read this?

There are MANY blogs out there. There are many people in the infosec / cyber security community that author detailed write-ups, post on their own blogs or are published in national publications.

I’m not one of those people.

So, why am I doing this? When I write a blog entry, I’m imaging that I’m telling this to my grandmother, my aunt, and my next door neighbor. These are people that are older and younger than me, and their technical knowledge is a mixture between “I need help plugging it in” to “which wifi mesh solution should I buy?”.

Many of my friends are a mixture of technical and know their way around an iPhone, but that’s all. Doesn’t matter that you’re not the most technical person in the room – and by that, I mean that you don’t have a dozen technical certifications on your wall at home – I’m writing this to help out. I like to teach, to educate people about various things, but in a way that you can make an informed decision. That’s my goal.

Now of course, if you do happen to be one of those people who have a dozen technical certifications on your wall – congratulations on your achievements! And thanks for reading my blog. 🙂

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