Cyber Security & Technology to help you stay safe online

Ransomware only affects businesses… right?

Ransom + Software = Ransomware. Ransomware is a malicious-type of software (aka, Malware) that gets invoked often by phishing, where you receive an email with an attachment or link and opening opening either. When activated, it invokes a series of events that causes your PC to become infected by installing its malicious software onto your […]

Incognito isn’t the same as being invisible

All web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.), all offer some form of Incognito mode: In Chrome and Firefox, they call it “Incognito“, in Microsoft Edge, it’s called “InPrivate“. But what does it do? Looking at it, you get the impression that it makes you invisible and they can’t track you. That’s not what it […]

UPnP: Just Say NO!

You have Internet at home. It’s provided to you through the phone line, TV coax, fiber optic, satellite… there are different methods to obtain Internet service into your home. In order to access the Internet, you need a router. Many times it’s provided by the ISP (Internet Service Provider), the one providing you with the […]

Where have you been… since last year?

Alright, I will admit, I’m slacking. So, why have I not been here in almost a year? The answer is: Studying. Last year, I passed my certification exam for Amazon Web Service’s Solutions Architect – Associate. Since then, I’ve been studying for another subject I’ve always enjoyed working with, but never dedicated time to learn […]